Host a Card-Making Party

Add creative kindness to every holiday!

Think of all the people who would be cheered by your handiwork! Whether your cards feature ghostly knock-knock jokes for Halloween, over-the-top puns for Valentine’s Day, or festive cheer for the winter holidays, your work is sure to make someone smile.

Possible recipients

Reach out to a local nursing home or hospital to find out how many cheerful holiday cards they need and when you might be able to deliver them.

Or connect with one of these great, national organizations:

What you’ll need

  • Plain paper or blank card

  • Envelopes (optional, depending on how/where you distribute your cards)

  • Markers, crayons, and other decorating supplies


  • Decide on your recipients. If you choose a local institution (hospital, care facility, veteran’s home), call first to be sure they can take your donation.

  • Invite friends and family over for festive card making.

  • Decorate! You may want to write happy holiday messages, but make sure to keep them non-denominational unless the institution serves only one religious group.

  • Mail your cards or take them to a local facility. If the latter, ask if you can go from room to room delivering the cards personally. If not, ask a staff member to deliver them to residents who most need cheering up.


  • Why might it feel good to receive a handmade holiday card?

  • What gestures of kindness have others done for you over the holidays?

  • Why is it nice to bring family and friends together to do this type of project?

  • What other holiday surprises can you come up with to show someone you care?


Take it Further

  • If you deliver your cards to a local organization, think about including baked goods or flowers. Be sure to check with the organization first.

  • Make bookmarks or other flat, handmade items to include in the cards.

  • If you had fun making cards, make it a monthly tradition!

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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.