Design a Giving Plate

Share baked goods and the gift of giving

This little bake-and-share activity is sure to become a family favorite. Create a plate designed to be re-gifted, load it with goodies, and start a ripple of kindness.

Possible recipients

Share your gift with new or isolated neighbors, sick or stressed friends, or even service providers you meet on a regular basis, like the mail carrier or bus driver.

What you’ll need

  • Plain white ceramic plate (available at any dollar store)

  • Black, fine-tipped permanent marker, such as a Sharpie

  • Permanent markers, assorted colors

  • Your choice of treats to share


To create a plate that inspires recipients to pay it forward, write something like:

Enjoy this treat,
We think you’re GREAT!
When you’re through,
Please pass the plate.

Or, if you don’t want your recipient to feel compelled to pass it on, write:

Enjoy these sweets,
And this gift of art.
Our world is brighter
Thanks to your big heart.

  • Have your children choose one of the poems on the right, or write their own.

  • Write the words with a thin, black Sharpie around the outside edge of the plate.

  • Invite your kids to decorate the plate with a simple design. Remind them not to draw over their poem.

  • Then bake the plate in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes. Cool completely. Your creation will then be permanent, if washed by hand.

  • Package your treats on the newly-decorated plate. Consider adding a card full of well-wishes and cheer.

  • Deliver your giving plate to a neighbor or friend.


  • Why might it feel good to receive a handmade holiday card?

  • What gestures of kindness have others done for you over the holidays?

  • Why is it nice to bring family and friends together to do this type of project?

  • What other holiday surprises can you come up with to show someone you care?


  • The Gift of Nothing by Patrick McDonnell. A wonderful story for inspiring a discussion about the power of friendship, appreciation for what we have, and the true meaning of gift-giving.

  • Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed by Emily Pearson. Introduce the idea that kindness is contagious, and watch kindness circle the globe in just a few days. Mary, as ordinary as any other kid, starts it all with a special delivery. The rhythm and rhyme of this book make it a fun read-aloud experience, too.

Take it Further

  • If you are giving your gift to another family with children, don't bake your plate. Instead, print these project instructions and let them know they can wash the plate clean for their own designs before they pass it on.

  • Each time you bake together, make some extra to give to a neighbor or friend.

  • Gather a group of friends and make several types of treats and several giving plates to share with lots of people.

  • Decorate coffee mugs in the same way and deliver them with hot chocolate mix or apple cider mix.

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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.