Why GOOD Matters

Intentional acts of kindness and service make a difference.

And Doing Good Together™ is here to help!

NOTE: Clicking on links will lead to a PDF graphic with live links.

NOTE: Clicking on links will lead to a PDF graphic with live links.

In a culture that so often appears to reward materialism and greed, practicing kindness and serving others as a family is a powerful way to pass on the values of empathy, thoughtfulness, and social responsibility. But its benefits go beyond growing compassionate, engaged kids.

When we intentionally focus on “giving back,” we address real, immediate community needs; bring joy, longevity and health benefits to our families; and create hope for the planet’s future by instilling the spirit of giving in a new generation.

If you agree that kindness matters and DGT has the resources to help instill more kindness, consider making a donation to Doing Good Together! 

Learn more about our problem-solving solutions via this unique infographic.

See for yourself what a difference kindness makes!

You can raise kind and caring kids! Here’s how Doing Good Together can help: