Disability Rights Movement

Books for Elementary Students

Deaf Child Crossing by Marlee Matlin
The earnest story of a growing friendship between a deaf child and a hearing child. Ages 8-12.

The Disability Rights Movement by Deborah Kent
A narrative history of the struggle for people with disabilities to be heard. Ages 9 and up

Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
Two boys, a tough guy with a learning disability and genius in leg braces, forge a friendship and overcome a bully. (Ages 8-12).

Helen Keller by Margaret Davidson
The story of Helen Keller and her friendship with Annie Sullivan, the woman who taught Helen to read and speak. Ages 7-10.

Louis Braille: The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind by Margaret Davidson
Biography of Louis Braille, a man who was born blind and went on to develop the Braille system of printing for the blind. Ages 7-10.

Looking After Louis by Lesly Ely
When Louis, a boy with autism, joins Miss Owlie’s class, his classmates are unsure of how to respond to him and think it’s unfair that he sometimes gets special treatment. However, through Miss Owlie’s encouragement, Louis’s class learns about sensitivity and how they can include Louis in their activities. Ages 7-10.

Petey by Ben Mikalesen
This story of friendship between an older man with cerebral palsy and an awkward teenager, this story illustrates how far we've come in the movement for equal rights. And it shows us just how strong the human spirit can be. Ages 9-12.

Wonder and Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories  by R. J. Palacio
The story of Auggie Pullman captured the attention of the world when it was first published in 2012. Auggie's unusual face and charming personality inspires an entire community to discuss what compassion, empathy, and kindness means in practice. Ages 8 and up.

Books for Young Adults

Extraordinary People with Disabilities by Deborah Kent and Kathryn A. Quinlan
Brief stories of 48 famous people who dealt with disabilities, including Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt and Tom Cruise. Ages 11 and up.

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller
Helen Keller's remarkable personal account of her early life. Ages 11 and up.

Owning It: Stories about Teens with Disabilities by Donald R. Gallo
A collection of stories about individuals coping with disabilities and trying to lead normal teenage lives. Ages 12 and up.

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