Sign A Petition

Sign a Petition

Teach active citizenship and get engaged together.

Take time to learn about and support a cause you and your children care about through online petitions.

NEW! Members now enjoy exclusive access to DGT’s toolkit for civic engagement, perfect for families who want a thoughtful way to make a difference. Also available for purchase in the DGT Store.

Possible recipients lets you sign a petition or start your own. This way you can participate in initiatives that are up and running, or start a petition for a cause that’s meaningful to you.

What you’ll need

  • Computer


  • Go to and browse the existing petitions.

  • Each petition includes a summary of the issue so you can learn more.

  • Read comments of others who have signed.

  • Sign the petition online and feel free to comment on your own reason for signing.

  • Consider starting your own petition for a cause that matters to your family.


  • What petition(s) did you choose to sign?

  • What prompted your choice?

  • Why do you think it is important to participate in this type of social action? What benefits can it have?

  • What other ways can you get involved in issues you care about?


I Can Make a Difference: a great book to teach kindness and citizenship.

Take it further

  • Brainstorm other ways to raise awareness for a cause dear to your family. Consider writing a letter to your representative, starting an awareness campaign or fundraising.

Still looking?

Pick a project category that sparks your family's interest.