Scroll down to discover a growing list of resources to watch & listen, learn & reflect, donate, read widely, and advocate.

Scroll down to discover a growing list of resources to watch & listen, learn & reflect, donate, read widely, and advocate.

Tools to Raise an
Anti-Racist Generation

An Evolving Collection of Resources, Expert Tips, Books, Videos, and Advocacy Tools

Doing Good Together is focused on spreading compassion and kindness. The durability of these values requires us to recognize and contend with forces in ourselves and our society that dehumanize and degrade others. As parents, families, and members of communities, who seek to raise one another up, we must point out and condemn racism, brutality, and indifference to suffering wherever we see it. 

We must also examine our own racism and the limits to our own compassion.

We encourage families to discuss these issues honestly and openly using the growing list of resources below.  Our children will be better able to break this chain of bias and distrust if we give them opportunities to think deeply and talk openly about justice, inequity and humanity from a young age -- and how together we can build a better world.

Watch & Listen

Discuss big ideas with the help of these expert videos and podcasts..

Learn & Reflect

Start the conversation with lessons and reflection guides from the experts.


Share what you can with social justice causes.

Read Widely

Encourage empathy with inspiring stories.


Raise your voice for equity, justice, and much-needed change

Follow Leading Voices

Other experts offering excellent anti-racist tools for families.

Subscribe to DGT’s tools to support your community. Thousands of parents rely on our free monthly newsletter, blog, and volunteer listings to connect them with meaningful service projects and kindness activities.

Subscribe to DGT’s tools to support your community. Thousands of parents rely on our free monthly newsletter, blog, and volunteer listings to connect them with meaningful service projects and kindness activities.

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The recommendations we offer are based solely ojn our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.