role models

6 Tips for Raising Kids Who Don't Cheat

6 Tips for Raising Kids Who Don't Cheat

According to researchers, the number of students who cheat at school has risen dramatically in the last 50 years. One survey found that an astounding 95% of high school students admitted to some kind of cheating. Here are tips to help keep your children focused on integrity and combat the pressure to achieve at any cost.



Using Technology to Boost Kindness

Spending time on "screens" is inevitable in modern life, but parents can help turn that time into a healthy pursuit. This month we offer ideas for using technology to enhance, rather than diminish, the growth of kindness.



Nurturing Compassion in Boys

Nurturing Compassion in Boys

Although all gender stereotypes are becoming less rigid, girls are given more flexibility than boys. The typically "feminine" traits of compassion and kindness are critical to the healthy development ofall our children. Here are ways to assure that your boys receive those essential lessons in empathy as they grow toward being caring, compassionate, charitable men.



Cultivating Wonder and Awe in Our Children

Cultivating Wonder and Awe in Our Children

We all know that amazing sensation of feeling part of something much larger than ourselves, of being upended by the vastness of the night sky or the intensity of great music. Research indicates that experiencing these magical feelings also changes how we approach our lives. It can make us more satisfied, less self-involved, less likely to feel starved for time, more grateful and more likely to help others.