Pre-K Tips

Full Buckets, Happy Hearts, and a Kinder World

Since it came out in 2006, McCloud's book Have You Filled a Bucket Today: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids has become essential reading in schools and homes across the country.  I recently had the privilege of chatting with Carol McCloud and learning more about her bucket-filling adventures.

On Mindfulness: Nine Tools for a More Grateful, Peaceful, and Connected Family Life

Unless we adopt healthy, intentional habits in our everyday family life, our best efforts at mindfulness will wind up like so many other things on our check lists: multi-tasked into meaninglessness, plowed through quickly, and crossed off before our goal is reached.

The Wisdom of Kindness: 10 Life Lessons Children Learn by Doing Good

Helping others is reward enough. Yet an intentional family practice of kindness and volunteering teaches lessons that will last a lifetime.